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How to get started


Step 1 -

Step 2 - Become a Northern Lion

Step 3 - IDPA Introduction Classes

Step 4 - Training and Classifier

First and foremost you need an IDPA association Membership which you can get at (1 or 3 year memberships available)

With your IDPA association membership in your pocket, you can apply to become an aspirant. We'll need some further documents like your criminal record and a copy of your liability insurance (min. coverage 3 mio CHF). As soon as we have all these information you're all set.

For all new to IDPA shooters, no matter if you're already an experienced IPSC shooter or similar, we strongly recommend attending one of our IDPA Introduction Classes. In these classes you'll learn all about the Rules, equipments , differencies to other dynamic shooting disciplines etc.

To be able to shoot at sanctioned or most other matches you'll need a classifier. You can complete your classifier at any IDPA certified Safety Officer.

At Northern-Lions we offer Trainings for non-clubmembers, where you can accomplish your classifier. Get in Contact with us for further information on Trainings/Classifiers etc. via Contact form.


In terms of equipment it is much easier than at other dynamic shooting disciplines. The idea of IDPA is to excersice practical shooting on a sports level. For detailed Information on equipment, see the 2017 IDPA Rule Book here.

Basic Equipment
  • Eye Protection
  • Ear Protection
  • Pistol or Revolver - must meet Division requirements mentioned in 2017 IDPA Rule Book here for more information
  • Strong-side hip holster - must meet 2017 IDPA Rule Book requirements
  • Magazines (min. 4 recommended for competitions), speedloaders or moonclips - see 2017 IDPA Rule Book for more information
  • Magazine Pouch(es)
  • Sturdy gun belt fitting holster and magazine holder slots securely
  • Cover garment (Vest, jacket, coat, long shirt etc.)
  • Ammunition - must meet the IDPA minimum power factor depending on the division you're shooting
  • Range bag to carry all the nice gear you have
Equipment Check which will happen at Sanctioned Matches usually at the Chrono Stage
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